My Three Choices

As a teenager it is sometimes impossible to imagine getting pregnant. We have our whole lives ahead of us. We often think it will never happen to us, and then it does. Though life will never be the same again, no matter what choice you make, you have the opportunity to become a better person. Take some time to let the initial shock settle. Start by confirming your pregnancy, having an ultrasound and meeting with a counselor to discuss your situation. Call the Helpline at 1-866-942-6466 for free and confidential local services. You may want to consider writing down your thoughts, feelings, and fears about each option. Try to get in touch with your values, beliefs, and circumstances. See Tips for Making A Decision. Because you will never forget this pivotal, life-changing experience, you will want to explore every possibility.

Your Choice to Parent:

Being a parent is often described as one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of life. It is a miracle to watch this little life grow inside you and develop into a person with a unique personality, interests and talents; as you learn how to guide, encourage and provide for this extension of you. Besides love, the most essential need in parenting is support.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is marrying the father a possibility? Why or why not?
  • Would he consider pre-marital counseling?
  • What type of support could he provide? (ie: financial, role model, childcare)
  • How would my family help? (ie: financially, childcare, living arrangements)
  • Could I live with family or another single mom?
  • How could I share responsibilities with those I live with?
  • What would it take to live on my own with my baby?
  • How can I continue to reach my goals to make a better life for me and my child?
  • Would I consider applying for WIC, Medicaid and other government programs?
  • Have I called the Helpline at 1-866-942-6466 to find resources in my area that can provide parenting support and supplies?

Your Choice to Release for Adoption:

There are a wide range of adoption plans to choose from, everything from closed to very open, independent or private to agency adoptions. Obtain as much information on adoption as possible to make an informed decision.

  • You can choose the adoptive family and many details of your child’s future.
  • Determine what you would like your relationship to be with your child and the adoptive family.
  • Adoptive parents explain adoption to the child at each stage of development in order to become well-adjusted, successful individuals.
  • At any point in the process you may decide to parent. Every state is different, though most adoptions are final when the child is 6 months old.
  • Counseling, support groups and other services enable each person involved to work through the grieving process, issues of loss and challenges along the way.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What would be an ideal home for my child?
  • What do I want to provide for my child?
  • Have I called the Helpline at 1-866-942-6466 to find out about adoption services and counselors in my area?

Your Choice to have an Abortion:

Though no decision will be easy and each comes with different challenges. Gathering as much information on the types of abortion procedures and their risks will help you make an informed decision. Remember that this is your decision, even though other’s opinions matter. See Abortion Procedures for more information. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I informed of all the procedures and risks?
  • Have I been tested for STD’s?
  • What are my state’s laws?
  • Is there anyone pressuring me to have an abortion?
  • Have I talked with someone who has been through an abortion to discuss their experience?
  • How have I viewed abortion in the past?
  • Have I called the Helpline at 1-866-942-6466 to discuss my options and find local services who can help?

Last updated: 02/2020